NOMI supports charities
in celebration of its 35th anniversary

In honor of our 35th anniversary, the idea emerged to support three charitable causes with a symbolic contribution of £350 per charity. We involved our Nomi family by asking the guests at our anniversary celebration to NOMInate a charity instead of bringing presents.

At the anniversary celebration, guests could cast a vote for one of the five charitable causes we had chosen. These are charities with which we feel connected. There were three national charities, KWF Cancer Research Foundation, Alzheimer Nederland, Make-A-Wish Nederland, and two local charities, Foundation "Vrienden van S&L" and Foundation "Het Warme Hart".

Guests who still wished to give a gift were asked to participate in the donation campaign by transferring an amount of their choice to us. We are pleasantly surprised and grateful for the many donations that have been made and will ensure that these reach the designated charities. In total, we raised €6,030! This has even led us to decide to support not only the three  chosen causes but to provide all five charities with a generous contribution.

KWF Cancer Research Foundation, Alzheimer's Society, and Make-A-Wish Netherlands were the three charities most selected during the anniversary celebration. They will receive a contribution of €350 from Nomi Co-Packing, along with an additional amount of €1,650 from the donation campaign. This means we are supporting these charities with a total contribution of €2,000. We will provide a total of €700 to The Warm Heart Foundation and Friends of S&L Foundation.